Barrow Men in Sheds - Information Meeting
Join us for our next information meeting Wednesday 11 September at 7:00PM Place: The Scout Hut, Barrow Road, New Holland DN19 7PH
The development of Sheds is supported by Humber and Wolds Rural Action (HWRA) in conjunction with other bodies across East Yorkshire and North and North East Lincolnshire. The project is funded by the Lottery Community Fund.
What is a Men's Shed?
A Men’s Shed is a larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden – a place where he feels at home and pursues practical interests with a high degree of autonomy. A Men’s Shed offers this to a group of men where members share the tools and resources they need to work on projects of their own choosing, at their own pace and in a safe, friendly and inclusive venue.
It is a place of leisure where men come together, to work on projects. This could be making or mending in wood (carpentry, joinery, turning, carving, whittling, marquetry, furniture renovation) but may include metalworking (milling, sheet metal, welding) bike repair, gardening, electronics, tool renovation, boat renovation, model engineering (model railways, planes) and even building a car! Reclamation, reuse and restoration often feature strongly. (National Men’s Shed definition)
Men’s Sheds are for men over 18, living in a community and surrounding areas, who are experiencing social isolation, physical illness, disability, mental health issues or loneliness.
The Sheds will be led by the men who attend them, supported by HWRA, other organisations plus a network of volunteers, mentors, organisations and businesses. The “Shedders” will identify the types of activities they are most interested in and develop and grow around these themes.
Each shed is "shedder led" and achieves sustainability through it's own fund-raising activities. This could include providing services (painting and decorating, gardening, maintenance, bicycle, scooter, car reapairing) and selling products (upcycling unwanted items, metal, slate, cement, glass, rope products created).
To find a shed in your area see the link below
Set up Support
If you would like to establish a Men's Shed in line with the National Men's Shed model, HWRA and our partners will work with you and other project partners to initially establish a need for a shed and work with you to develop a shed in your locality.
If you would like to find out more about the Men in Sheds projects in the East Riding of Yorkshire or North and North East Lincolnshire, become a “Shedder”, or know someone who would benefit from the Shed experience, volunteer, contribute a skill, tool or piece of equipment, offer potential premises for the Shed or would like to get involved in any way please contact us...
For more information contact Carole Johnson on 07983 479362 or email
Please fill out the form below
and we'll be in touch as soon as
we can:
Join us for our next information meeting Wednesday 11 September at 7:00PM Place: The Scout Hut, Barrow Road, New Holland DN19 7PH
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Wilderspin National School, Queen Street, Barton-upon-Humber, North Lincolnshire, DN18 5QP